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What has happened to America? Do we remain racists? Are we, as Charles Blow of the New York Times argues, that people who vote for Republicans are themselves representative of malignant white supremacists? Do they really wish to restore America as it existed in its original form? No votes for women, blacks, the return of Christian institutional religion, votes for landowners only, enslavement of blacks, a Senate representing only 3,000,000 Americans, most of whom could not vote, created only as a malapportioned 2/3 compromise to appease slave states finally resulting in a bloody Civil War, staining the soil with an avalanche of blood? Is that where we are headed?
In the early 20th century, quotas kept out immigrants by nationality, not merit, beginning in 1924. In the Jim Crow the South, no black voting, segregation, lynching. The GOP, the party of Lincoln, now has devolved into the likes of Kevin McCarthy, and Mitch McConnell, who sanctimoniously spoke on the Senate floor and blamed Trump for the Capitol insurrection, after not voting to convict him. Had he lined up the votes for impeachment in his caucus, we would spared Trump’s empowering election deniers and promising to run again.
This is unimaginable. Faulkner said, “this is a tale of sound and fury told by an idiot.”
Two countries of red and blue, despising each other and looking at the same facts, drawing completely different conclusions? Thank you, avaricious Rupert Murdoch and your cast of greedy misanthropes, for spewing years of propaganda and contributing to the skewing of public opinion far beyond our wildest imagination. Thank you, Rupert, for promoting the big lie, and enriching your already swollen bank accounts at the expense of our Nation. There is a special place in hell for you, perhaps the Australian outback. Go back there and take Tucker Carlson with you, the obsequious, preppy demon who could be the world’s worst human being.
In Florida, DeSantis wants no grade school instruction about the enslavement of black people? No books in the schools that allude to racism in America? Massive resignations among schoolteachers who do not wish to comport with Governor DeSantis’s concept of Eurocentric, Christian education? What about the other religions, many of which do not pray, or believe in a Christian god? Breaking the wall of separation of church and state, which allowed many different denominations to thrive in America, unlike European state religions. Stifling intellectual discourse among academics as too “woke?” Or woke people barring different viewpoints to be expressed? (a fault of the left) Banning of books that accurately reflect the history of the United States? Books that tell the story of the dark stain of racism in America? Biased maps drawn showing that in “Colonial” America there was very little importation of slaves, but no mention of “breeding” African slaves like cattle during the 18th century post-colonial South to pick cotton, feeding the growing economy of the Northern mills? Suppressing the truth that 25% of the building of the American economy and railroads was on the backs of slaves? Removing a lawfully elected State Attorney who did not agree with his idea of prosecuting teenagers for their reproductive choices? Telling Disney “Don’t say gay,” and threatening one of the, if not the, largest employer in the state to adhere to his homophobic agenda? I am unaware of a course at Harvard Law School on becoming a facsimile of big brother, a proto-Mussolini, a propaganda minister, an anti-gay activist, or a panderer to the worst social instincts of humankind.
Republicans like our fascist inclined, heavy handed governor DeSantis are busy suppressing the vote, separating women from their reproductive choices, attempting to pervert the constitution, taking advantage of Republican gerrymandered overrepresentation in the House of Representatives and the malapportioned Senate to cravenly pander to the gullible electorate by stoking their underlying fears of “others?”
The DeSantis “Stop Woke” Act, now temporarily blocked by a federal judge, attempts to control how businesses address race, gender and nationality. This is the cheapest, most craven way to run for President of the United States. DeSantis’ ambitions have moved beyond the State of Florida, inserting himself as a smarter avatar of Donald Trump aping Trump’s racism?
Reelecting Ron DeSantis would insidiously reaffirm the worst possible values for Florida and for the Nation. The problem is, do most Floridians agree with DeSantis? If so, the future is both frightening and depressing.
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