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"The fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
- William Shakespeare
Donald J. Trump, elected President with the help of an authoritarian klepotcratic KGB murderer who had ordered hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Seventeen US intelligence agencies agree and reveal an extensive, detailed, declassified report to the President-elect.
Rather than acknowledge the facts of the reports, the President-elect disparages the intelligence professionals upon whom our nation depends, by alluding to the mistakes made in the run up to the Iraq war and intelligence demanded by our most stupid President, George W. Bush, who under the influence of Dick Cheney, plunged us into a quagmire from which we have not yet emerged. Trump uses this mistake to justify and denigrate the dedicated intelligence professionals who have compiled a record of Russian interference in our election. This Trumpian hubris endangers us all because even though the election is over, in his adolescent mind, it partially detracts from his "win." Donald needs to "win," placing his ego above the national interest. The cognitive dissonance of this all resembles the most insane Salvador Dali painting. The distorted clock, the horrified contorted faces, the horrifying improvidence of it all. Americans are gradually realizing that they have a psychologically deranged President about to leave the starting gate.
These are remarkable, frightening times. A President-elect who is in denial about intelligence reports, climate change, Nato alliances, and Putinesque wickedness. Many Cabinet appointments harboring a plethora of financial interests yet to be disclosed as required by law and a voting public a majority of whom voted against Trump now scared to death. Congressional hearings possibly to occur without full disclosure of his cabinet of gilded age billionaires. The ludicrous Mexican wall, the failure to disclose tax returns, the failure to divest. Red flags dominate political discourse.
Trump has still not had a press conference, communicating in tweet bursts, many of which are dangerous, disingenuous, and self-serving, threatening to undermine the ship of state, now rolling in a dark, tempest-torn sea. Trump exults in misinformation, utilizing classic propaganda techniques of Orwellian dimensions. Dr. Goebbels would be proud. Bypassing the media, yet utilizing it masterfully to pour out hatred, bigotry, birtherism, conspiracy theories; he has, with the help of an antiquated electoral system, stolen the election of 2016. Unconscionable, by any standard, the Electoral College, is complicit in this fiasco. And social media has distorted the landscape even further having been employed by a Machiavellian impresario.
A national movement must soon take place to restore our democracy: one-person one vote. All the nonsense advanced by traditionalists, originalists, or what have you, must be seen for what it is. An attempt to disproportionally favor rural America. Those who support the system argue that the electoral college governs space, not population centers and spreads the vote geographically. How preposterous is this notion? People in Wyoming have three times the representation as people in California. Rural America should deserve equal representation, just as should we all.
Republicans in congress, including the cowardly, pusillanimous Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will not know how to handle the hurricane headed their way. They will rue the day that they could not get along with Obama, having sowed the wind, will now reap the whirlwind.
As Kathleen Parker noted in her column today in the Washington Post, the conspiracy theorists who thought Obama a Muslim, following the same logic can call Trump a Russian spy. Equally silly theories, yet not without appeal for Democrats who believe that the election was rigged, but not as Trump had suggested. If it is shown that Trump in any way knew beforehand what Vladimir was doing or had planned, here come the articles of impeachment. And perhaps a trial for treason. Why were they jubilant in Moscow when Trump got the 270 votes in the Electoral College? Why do we even retain such a slavery-induced system?
Three million Americans have been effectively disenfranchised. Their votes did not count. And Trump is going to be President of the United States.
We are engaged in cultural and religious wars both at home and abroad and are now saddled with a President who knows nothing, sees nothing except himself in a narcissistic, distorted, mirror of denial, deception and self-promotion.
We must ask ourselves how this all happened? And how could we have allowed our nation to fall into the hands of a latter day Juan Peron?
300 71st St #545, Miami Beach, FL 33141
(305) 371-7111
Mon Fri - 9am to 5pm
Sat Sun - Closed